Potential challenges and solutions of improved opportunities and obstacles to development Tool in Tanzania local government authorities


  • Idda Lyatonga Swai Mzumbe University, Morogoro, Tanzania
  • Faraja Cosmas Uhahula Mzumbe University, Morogoro, Tanzania


Local government authorities, Community Initiatives, Opportunities, Obstacles, Planning and Implementation, Empowerment


The improved Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O & OD) Tool in Tanzania aimed to empower citizens in the local government authorities to develop and implement their plans without interference from the central government. The improved O&OD was designed to replace the former O&OD developed in 2001. This study aimed to examine the potential challenges of the improved O&OD tool and propose mitigation options to ensure the approach will lead to the predefined goals. The study relied on secondary sources of data where relevant sources such as O&OD manuals, the guidelines, reports and publications were reviewed to generate study findings. The study found that the potential challenges of the improved O&OD tool include insufficient information sharing, central domination of local revenues, the influence of central government priorities, the unproductive relationship between bureaucrats and the communities and the limited capacity of facilitators. The proposed solutions are timely and sufficient information sharing, close supervision for revenue sources, considerations of local priorities, passive and active participation in formal meetings, the need for consensus on setting priorities in the Community and the need to capacitate more people for facilitation. The study concludes that the participation of citizens in the planning and implementation of their priorities is low despite the opportunity provided by the government through the improved O&OD tool. The study recommended improving capacity building and dissemination of information to ensure the citizens have the right information regarding the community initiatives opportunity and its benefits to the community as a whole. In addition, the community should be encouraged to initiate their priorities and be guided by the experts to implement them.





